Round Rock Honey


Project timeline: January 2020-May 2020

Position: Research Strategist

As a class requirement, my team and I were responsible for creating a successful campaign for a local Texas honey business. It’s important to note that this was a class project and NOT a campaign paid for by Round Rock Honey.

During this project, I worked closely with five other members to create a comprehensive 10-month campaign with the goal to expand the business to a different market in Asheville, NC. As a team, my peers and I worked to overcome several communication barriers during the COVID-19 mandatory shutdown. During the switch to working remotely, I planned and scheduled the Zoom meetings to make sure work was completed in a timely manner and deadlines were met.

As the team research strategist, my role was to find out as much information about where Round Rock Honey sat in their current market and how to set them up for success as they were expanding into Asheville, NC. I conducted a competitive SWOT analysis, which involved researching RRH placement in the market on a national and local level and refining the target audience.

I worked on B2C strategy, which involved creating a 10-month flighted media schedule, and lead the team in budget logistics. We successfully planned three flights that included events, online advertising, and offline/ out-of-home media while keeping the campaign cost from exceeding $150,000.

After presenting our proposal, both our professor and clients were happy with the campaign we created and that was ultimately reflected in our grades.

Below is the proposal we created, so check it out!
